Wow! So much has happened in the past 6 months! I'm still on the search for a perfect job, I have a house that is painted, organized, has photos on the walls and is very organized, I have turned a quarter of a century old, have gotten the CUTEST dog in the world and can travel most anywhere in our area with confidence.
The day you turn 16 and drive to your first destination on your own (or back in the early 2000's with your friends) you get this feeling of accomplishment, freedom and excitement. You never quite feel you get that feeling again after about 25 times in the first 2 weeks of driving without a guardian. I can tell you how to get this feeling back...move to a different city, move to a different state. I have lived in a couple different cities since turning 16, but they were all small towns with not a large system of highways, or near a network of highways. I could make it from point A to point B and it was survival mode and very simple. NOW, when you move to a place that is centrally located on an extensive network of highways; you must drive on said highways to get most anywhere and you must drive in what is rush hour traffic in Michigan at 1o am, 2 pm and is ALWAYS busy. For me most every time I drive to a destination and return safely home I get that feeling of excitement and accomplishment that I got when I was 16....but sadly, now that I am a professional STL driver, I am losing that feeling, it must be time to move...NOT. It is much easier to feel confident in traveling, it makes my car and house less of a prison! 6 months ago driving two miles down the road to Schnuck's, tanning and Walmart was exciting and my only escape from my house!
Freddie boo boo dog! |
I was told I would not get a dog for a very, very long time...I am pretty sure there is a post, or several posts about the need and want of a dog. Well, three little, cute dogs wandered onto the farm and now one of them is sitting in our front entrance chewing on his rawhide barking at the passer byers. He is the most precious dog ever (besides every other dog I have ever owned with my family!) His name if Frederick Dallas Irish-Grate, but we simply call him Fred (little white dog, boo boo dog, freddie, freddie boo boo, and Bryan's usual, God damnit fred!) We have no idea what he actually is, besides a dog, but it assumed that he is a yorkie-poo with maybe another mix of some other small dog...he is super friendly, loves to be dressed in his little tshirts and outfits and most importantly rides well in the car! He is a precious ray of sunshine and he is a good little white dog!
Fred chewin up a frosted bone |
I turned 25 a month ago (May 3) It was just another birthday, but it was fun. We went to Kansas City, MO which is awesome and I got to see and touch pieces that were actually on and in the Titanic, and in the ocean for 90 years! I ate BBQ everyday for 3 meals and had a great time. Shannon came to visit which was of course fun. AND that was my was great and now I am old! No birthday is ever as much fun as your 21st...and so you just have to make it count!
I touched a piece of the Titanic! Also, took illegal pics! :) |
Painting a house is much "suckier" than one would imagine. Our walls were painted, by the previous owner, with a circular texture in all white (EVERYTHING IS WHITE...including the molding...that I wish was wood). The bedrooms were all painted before move in...which put us at an advantage...but our basement is large, our living room is large and our hallway has a lot of taping. All I have to say is that our house looks like a totally different I just need to find things to hang in our bedroom and to start our picture wall! Interior decorating is something that takes a significant amount of time and funds...but let me tel you that it is well, well, well worth it when it changes your house into a home. I sometimes just wish that Bryan could see that our house is a home, no matter how much more we want to do and that we are so lucky to have a solid house with more than enough room for us and our stuff and, most importantly, an extra living area in our basement! Sometimes it is just hard when we have such a large laundry list! OH and I built a new garden outside, it was quite the experience as I am 1. not experienced and 2. do not like plants all that much! I do like the final results and it made our front yard look 1110% better!

It has been a productive few months...I have been enjoying forging a new life in a new place! It sometimes does feel lonely and not quite like home....but it is and will get better. I just keep reminding myself that it's only a 10 hour drive or a 4 hour airport run... (1.5 in the air...or less...depending on weather)