So I am not going to "Journal" about my weekend...because it was pretty stressful and pretty fast. We left early Friday morning for Missouri where the house is...of course right now we live in Michigan and it is December and therefore it snowed (which we've been lucky because sometimes it starts in October...). I swear to f'ing the Spirit in the Sky that Michiganders forget how to drive in the snow even though most people have probably been doing it since they had their learner's it is BEYOND ME how people drive like such idiots in freshly fallen is quite irritating and it for sure brings my stress level up, up and up.
After the irritating, stressful and painful (I had to pee so bad for like 70 minutes that it physically hurt to stand, walk, and to pee...) We got through security very quickly with our A list tickets...however we were the very last people to board the we did not even sit next to one another...which was fine...because at this point I needed to be AWAY from Bryan and his grumpiness....
Of course I got an end row seat...whatever. HOWEVER...I was sitting next to a gentleman and his wife...and yet he leaned away from her and encroached on my space. This of course pissed me off...why do you need to have your elbow in my rib? I pushed and pushed to get my own space and after he told his wife that I was rude and should have paid for two seats I just looked at him and jabbed him in the funny bone...seriously. Eff you dude...I paid for a whole seat...not a seat where i have to lean into the isle and get hit every five seconds by people walking and dilly dallying about! SO THAT SUCKED!
Thankfully I had downloaded "Sucks to Suck" so I had something to read and made sure to jab him harder when I was quietly laughing at my hilarious reading material...there was an especially fabulous part about cat crazy ladies and I just lost it...and he probably has bruises!
SO the point of going "home" within four days was because Bryan needed to have a follow up for his ER trip on Thanksgiving...we went to a Doctor a half hour away (at least) because it is his whole family's Doctor...we must have went in with high expectation of awesomeness because we did not really like her. Bryan can choose to have her be his general doctor...but I will find someone 1. closer and 2. who is running 45 minutes late and treating me like I am some fatty fat fat person who does not know how to lead a healthy lifestyle. She did not sit down with Bryan and explain the medicine she was prescribing, or ask us about our eating habits or lifestyle choices...she just said drink less, eat less, and shove this pill down your throat. I guess I had a spoiled life in the medical field growing up...but I feel all doctors that I have seen after being a sheltered child of Greenville, MI have taken the time to explain things to me, ask me questions and get to know me a little bit so that can try to understand why I am sick or how I can get better. So, that was quite the experience and I for sure am not driving there when there are 100's of hospitals between St. Charles and the STL...
Fortunately for us on the trip back we once again had to pass the awesome mall...I do not know the name yet...but I do know it is awesome and that they have both a Nordstroms and a Macy's and that the Victoria Secret is the largest one I have ever seen in my life. After using a VS coupon, getting an iphone charger...I learned that bryan is not "cool enough" for the apple store. I almost died laughing in the middle of the mall. I tried to explain to him that no one is cool enough for the applestore but what makes it so overwhelming is that there are about 20 more "apple workers" than actual customers...and none of them are Geniuses I learned from overhearing a why the hell are there so many of these people milling about in Red Apple shirts? I had to force myself from touching every single Apple toy there was...because...besides the iPhone I like all of their other products and own most of them...but older versions! lol Sadly..I do prefer my Motorola Android to Bryan's iPhone...but whatever...
I still do NOT understand the frikin' smoking laws in has always been and always will be beyond me as to why ANYONE would want to smoke while they eat...and why it is an issue to go smoke outside...I mean honestly smoking in an establishment is absolutely disgusting...I mean I do not want to smell your effin' second hand smoke...I want to enjoy my food and not have my throat close off because I am allergic to cigarette makes it super hard to eat my food...or rather taste it. I understand that people have the right to smoke...but I should have the right to enjoy my food without smelling and tasting smoke...because I make the choice not to smoke. WHATEVEr. I have to get used to it because only in St. Louis County (the next county over) can I enjoy eating without dying...I am so spoiled by these posh Michigan laws bahaha.
I really just wanted to stay and not come back to Michigan this past weekend. I am getting tired of getting all ready to be in St. Charles just to have to get in the rental and get back on the stupid plane. It is crazy that I do not want to come back to the Mitten but...the traveling is just crazy and I am ready to start living without putting myself on hold...mostly meaning a job...and trust gets depressing and lame sitting up in this fancy pants condo...but seriously...I cannot wait to at least have a house to put together.
Well, gLee is on....and that means nothing else in the world exists...I mean clearly it is the recording...but this is the only time I have found to dedicate to gLee...and well...even though they are about the same as every episode ever...I still love it!
The only thing that has stressed me out is being in limbo between two places...oh and Bryan's frequent grumpiness...but whatever...hopefully day 15 is good...
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