Wednesday, November 30, 2011

20 Days...

20 Days and all I can think about is why can we not just be done...minus the fact that I am going to be missing frikin' PRIME ski season time...but those are the sacrifices you have to make for true love I suppose (*barf*) LOL

We had our first snow of the season. I of course thought that it was beautiful, amazing, exciting, fluffly, simply gorgeous; Bryan did not...I think that I saw a tear... With the first snow (and frozen rain and slush) comes intense car scraping...I live with a stubborn person who would rather park out in a public parking lot than in our EMPTY garage. I woke up as usual, went downstairs made his grits, made his healthy lunch, and prepared his vitamin, mountain dews, and well whatever else...THEN being the caring, awesome, girlfriend that I am I pulled on my boots and my coat and my mittens and took our kitchen broom and tried my darndest to de-snow and de-ice the attempt was less than a success but did make the car legal to drive down the expressway to Midland...

I ate breakfast and checked my internets and suddenly had this intense feeling of the spins, the pukes and whatever else...I felt horrible and it made me NEVER want to be pregnant. I get "morning sickness" frequently (NO, I have no bun in the oven) and I never enjoy it and it makes my whole day tired and off...SO I died in our bedroom watching South Park until I had to get ready to go to my stupid, high school, lame job that I hate.

I still have not been paid and I only got 3.5 hours this it is not really a job..I spend more time doing laundry and making dinner than I do this job is just not even a job...I mean it is technically the WORST job I have EVER frikin' had...I hope I get the job at Community Living in St. Peters, MO because I am so ready to have a real job that I make a salary and not piddley money!

I have the task of finding a bank that exists and is located not only in Missouri but in St. Charles. Unfortunately 5/3 does not exist really in the MO...just in the Gateway City (STL) and that is NO good for me...because driving in STL is as bad or worse than driving in Detroit during rush hour! So BYE BYE 5/3 that I have had an account at since I was like 16...It's been a good run! The problem I am having is so many banks charge a fee if you do not have x amount of money in it you get charged y...and for me..why the heck should I pay for my bank...SO as of today...I have chosen PNC...the sign up application is quite lengthy and require my license number and something about taxes that even Bryan doesn't know what it hopefully I do not falsify an application to open a bank account...

Like I the only thing I stressed about was MISSING ALL OF MY PRECIOUS, BELOVED SKI SEASON...I will probably only get to go like two weekends...and that is only if I am lucky! I have been going at least 4 times a month for 3 years...FML! LOL but I guess living and being with Bryan is better than skiing...I GUESS (because I doubt he would say living with me is better than like the Cardinals...LOL JK)

Day 20 is over and I am excited to be in the teens...because that means it will be almost Christmas and that even though we will still be in MI we will be celebrating the Holidays and enjoying our last days in the mitten AND I WILL GET TO SKI!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

21 Days...

Today was just hot mess outside...actually a cold, wet, icy mess...but you get the picture!

I went down to get my paychecks today...which apparently I get paid in cash (which, by the way, is illegal...) and in two weeks I have worked 32 hours at $7.40 so that is like $266.80 and today I went downstairs and was handed $ about 16%...that is complete bullsh**...and I am pretty sure the department of labor would NOT be too happy to know that 1. an employee is not being paid and 2. the employee is illegally being paid under the table. SO to say the least I was pretty angered as I had planned to go buy stuff with my own money and not Bryan's...but oh, well...I never went...which is probably okay lol

I was very unmotivated to do anything today...maybe it was the weather...maybe it was the feeling hungover (I have not had a drink in like 2 weeks) or maybe it was just that it is depressing to sit in this empty, ugly condo when I know I could be home (in MO) doing significant projects in our house...

I never really thought about moving today...I am actually looking forward to it these days...I am sick of working a janky butt job and sick of constantly being everywhere...I am ready to be in just ONE place (hopefully we get to just stay in one place...)I will miss being in Michigan and miss being so close to my friends and family but I am excited to just perhaps have a nice job, have a nice house to live in and have some stability in schedule and friends and just LIFE!

On the topic of jobs...I had a lengthy conversation with a prospective employer and I feel that it went positive...I am not getting my hopes too up...but it is exciting to know that it may not be as difficult to find a good job as I was anticipating in another state that does not accept my teaching yay on that because I am tired of having nothing to do except look good ;) (and do laundry and cleaning and making dinner and grocery shopping and packing and preparing a weekly flexible menu...)

Today while reading my tweets...which I do every morning...I go to bed quite early because that is just our schedule... I miss what goes on in the world when normal people are awake...ANYWAYS...I ramble. I am feeling bad for one of my sorority sisters. Now, I cannot say that we are besties or that we have spent a significant amount of time together..but a sister is a sister and we are forever bound together by ritual, letters and sisterhood. She is recently engaged and it is a whirlwind romance (I think that it is very movie worthy...just sayin') I totally get the whirlwind romance and although mine is going on a different path...I understand that you want support from friends and family and that ultimately YOU HAVE TO DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! I feel bad for her because (by reading tweets) she has been getting negative feedback and unsupportive vibes from friends and probably sisters. I hope that people start to respect her choices and her new life...because it is HER life...not theirs! I am proud of her for doing what makes her happy and for working her hardest to deal with the negativity I wish her the best of luck and I hope that they (her and her fiance') truly live happily ever after--that is all any of us deserve!

So now I have to go get laundry started so it looks like I have done something successful today and get dinner kind of started...I never know when it needs to be exactly ready so alls I can do is a girl scout! Day 21 has been stress free...minus my stupid "boss"!

Monday, November 28, 2011

22 Days...

Today I was not stressed about moving but rather when I am going to work...and when we did FINALLY receive our schedules for the week (3pm on Monday) I found that I only work one slow shift all essentially I should have just stayed home (in MO) and worked on our little projects (like de-fraternity housing the walls--beer signs everywhere...but they're old, classic and stylish..but for our awesome 60's bar in our sweet basement!)

Like I said in the previous post there is not too much moving stuff to be stressed is stressful that I will have to get used to some new things and figure out like how to get a license and how to get my car all set for missouri (you cannot live in MO with a car that is leased from I need to buy my lease out since that is what Bryan says is

I am stressing about finding a new has been a struggle in the I can only imagine what it is going to be like in another state...but I have had a few good leads and fingers crossed I actually get one of these jobs...because I am 1. bored sitting at home and 2. need to contribute financially...even though I do all of the housework..ALL OF IT!

SO...the stress is more just lots of worries today...I feel way more relaxed now that I have a place for my stuff..or at least see that there are potential places for my and our has just been a lot of work because the house was quite full...and we have been working on getting it well, less full!

Hopefully tomorrow is the same...I am doing research on why it would be good for us to have a dog...and I am going to make an actual presentation...kind of like that commercial on TV...however I do not think that my results will be as successful as the young boy on the commercial...also I have a mac...not a windows' cloud pc 7 or whatever it is!!! lol

Days 27, 26, 25, 24, 23

OH. MY. It has been a LOOOOONG, STRESSFUL, FUN, UNIQUE 4 or 5 days. I literally never had time to "blog" and when I had extra "free time" it would have been inappropriate to be on my phone or the iPad...

ALSO! I officially, technically live in St. Charles, Missouri in a cute, adorable, awesome house with Bryan...I just now have to see if they'll let me get a new license so I can be an actual resident! lol It is so nice to live in a real house and have a real house that I can do things to!

let's see...Day 27 Well...Bryan was still sick...I woke up and raked leaves so when the yard people come to OUR house they will be able to suck them up...because I had high doubts that they would go through our car port...IT. WAS. BEAUTIFUL OUT! This was probably one of the last gorgeous days I will get to see...but I am a Michigander and seeing a 73 degree day at the end of November is quite an experience! I decided that it was finally time to unload the flippin' Uhaul that I just drove for 10 hours and packed less than 12 hours early...I was enjoying the weather and the sunshine so I just opened up the Uhaul and started making piles for Bryan and I to take in (Bryan tried to help...but he was NOT looking too good...)

We got everything into the house...most things that were in the basement pile went to the basement...and somethings just needed to wait until we could make homes for it...which...was a bit challenging in some cases because Bryan (this is joking) is a hoarder and should be on an A&E special...LOL

This day still seems kind of like a blur...I was pretty much exhausted still from driving across three states and in a uhaul and in the rain...yes, it POURED rain the entire 542 miles! We did get rid of the uHaul with our friend Matt and went and got the rental car since both of our cars were the Mitten. We went to MY FAVORITE ST. CHARLES ESTABLISHMENT, Tubby's which is pretty much a bowling alley dive...but the steaks are amazing...beef and butter...two of my favorite ingredients! I was supposed to go out with some of our friends...but I passed out on the couch watching 5 minutes of I just decided not to feel bad because I was obviously beyond tired!

It is amazing how different people celebrate holidays...I am learning this a lot from Bryan's family as most of my friends celebrate similar to my family...I also learned that in Missouri they call lunch dinner and dinner I am always just confused! so Thanksgiving Dinner was served at like 11:45..I was so hongry and so ready to just eat!!! It was just like any other Thanksgiving, food, cranberries! After we got all of the dishes put away and ate up dessert...there was a significantly large conversation that Bryan should go to urgent care/er to go get his noggin and well sickness looked at....I'd been trying to get him to do this for about 2 I had my doubts and I refuse to force someone to go to the doctor if they do not want to...unless they are a child or a bone is sticking out....

We ended up driving back east to St. Clair Hospital (it was very churchy...) and got to the parking lot of the ER/Urgent care sat in the parking lot and he decided we would come back if it was still bad...we drove almost all of the way back to 70 Bryan decided we should go back and get him checked out...I was fit to be tied...but sometimes you just have to go with it...especially when someone is sick...and let me tell are super needy when they're sick...I can only hope that I can be so needy when I am sick...but I find it hard to do that...because I always feel that I have to be moving!

Bryan ended up just have high blood sugar...super duper high blood sugar..which is not good..but at least it was not like a brain tumor or bleeding on the brain...which were all things that Bryan thought was wrong with him! So, he has to go back to the doctor for a check up but I am still (today) doubting he will go...maybe...

We went to Walmart which was a frikin' mistake...crazy people were wondering the aisles or standing in ridiculous lines...we saw pallets all around with shrink wrap around them and signs saying when they would open so the crazies could get their special deals...people are so crazy...we somehow managed to find ourselves a dvd player that did not get us trampled and got some stuff to make a healthy but quick dinner...we went home, watched movies, ate food and passed out camping on the floor... So we had an eventful and unique Thanksgiving!


We did not wake up to go shopping...we did not even wake up until like 10am...everyone (all two of us) was exhausted and obviously in need of rest...I got up...went down the road to IGA got some food for lunch and for breakfast the next just some SILK and Honey Nut Cheerios. I had to clean the kitchen up a bit from our dinner to be able to prepare lunch...we ate...watched TV and then I got Bryan to go through the hallway closets which were filled with stuff no person needs to save lol. We had 7 years of Playboys to move....I have no idea why they were saved...but I think Bryan just has a hard time throwing things away...

I got one of the closets organized and filled with our bathroom extras, meds, and other things. I feel horrible because we have to use pink sparkly drawers...but it makes it organized and clean! Bryan even told me it was okay because no one should be looking into our closets! LOL So now we have one empty closet awaiting it's stuff...which will most likely be linens and maybe my jewelery boxes or I have no is just nice to have space that is clean and can be organized! We got the rest of the close closet in our bedroom cleaned out and I got rid of ALL metal hangers... I detest them and they are not allowed in our house! LOL So I got my closet at least hung up...we still ahve to get our seasonal stuff to the den..but the den closet is filled with unused hangers!!! It will all come together eventually!

So Day 25 was all spent cleaning, organizing OH and we went and ate at our favorite Mexican Restaurant, El Maguey!

Day 24 I spent a lot of time getting the trash into the car...because we had to clean out the expired foods from the cupboard and fridge...there was a significant we had lots of trash to say the least! It was raining, cold and this is what the whole day was forcasted to do! I kept getting more and more excited the less and less that we had in the house and the more open space that we had! It is takes so much time to do it and I was pretty stressed at how little seemed to be getting done...but it was more than I gave myself credit for...

We went downtown to eat and it was and still is Old Time Christmas days. Lunch at R.T. Wilers was of course AMAZING and the best part of the whole weekend and that day was that as we were walking in the drizzle back to our car that Chuck the Budweiser Clydesdale was out for picture op! IT. WAS. AWESOME. I got to pet him and stand next to him! It was so cool! We went back home and cleaned and organized...we warmed up leftovers and just chillaxed in our house!

Day 23 TRAVEL DAY :,(

We had to wake up early to get to the airport. For being the Sunday after Thanksgiving it was not busy at Hertz...we did have a colorful driver who was essentially cussing out the Hertz rental staff! The airport was the airport and I hate being there and security is a was super depressing yesterday because I just wanted to stay and organize and get the house super perfect...but there could be work and Bryan is still sick and needs someone to cook and watch him! The flight was quick as usual and the drive was painful as usual...when you get to the airport you're at the point where you just want to be "home". Before we could go back to the condo we had to go to Meijer to get food that will be healthy for us to eat and possibly assist in lowering Bryan's blood we got lots of fruits and veggies, whole grains and just healthy stuff. We finally got back and I just had to clean and organize...I was exhausted and wanted to go crash but groceries had to be put away, fridge needed some cleaning out of older food and food had to be made. Bryan tried to help but 1. it is hard to have two people doing things in the kitchen and 2. he still didn't feel good so I felt bad putting him to work. It was frustrating that I got to the condo and had to clean and organize and put laundry away...but it had to be done ... we ate a good dinner had a snack of carrots and hummus and watched some of our stories!

It was a long week...but it was fun and a lot was accomplished. Now that 97% of my stuff is moved I am less stressed about it is just stress trying to see everyone and get everything done for getting a license and trying to know if I am ever going to work...because now it is Monday at 9am and we still do not have a work schedule!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

28 days...

I just got to is 1:48am MO 2:48 MI time...let me tell you...driving 10 fliplin' hours in a uhaul, in the rain, through construction in 3 entire states....with someone who is/was ill is NOT FUN...NOT AT ALL.

Today I packed a uhaul, drove a uhaul and tomorrow or rather later today will unpack a uhaul...I. hate. The. Uhaul.

I did not stress over moving today...because...moving stressed me out in real life...not a thinking about it life....

Hopefully by tomorrow my forearms and wrists are normal and I can feel my back...

I am over moving today!

Monday, November 21, 2011

29 Days...

Today was not at all what I had imagined it is an whatever!

I planned on vegging out, working out, cleaning up and packing the rest or our stuff for the uhaul...but I ended up driving to Detroit to pick up Bryan so he could leave the Jeep at the airport and because apparently now has the not only did I get t o drive for 4 long hours I got to deal with a 37 year old baby...

We did accomplish picking up the uhaul in Saginaw so now tomorrow I can pack it up and we can hopefully leave and get a head start to Missouri!

I had plenty of time to think about moving but I was frustrated that I didn't get to do my plan and that I had to drive in horrible traffic to and from Detroit.  I got actually excited when we picked up the truck...but I know we're coming back on Sunday and that this is just stuff leaving Michigan...not me!

Now I am sitting on the floor watching tv because I can only assume that Bryan is riddle with germs I am separating myself as much as I can without being extremely rude!

So for now I am excited for the uhaul in the parking lot and packing tomorrow and I guess moving...the day count has changed...bc now we are apparently staying in Michigan for the holiday...but the 21st is still when we are free to leave Bay City and go go go!!!!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 Days.......

WOW! well, today I spent a lot of time cleaning up beer bottles and cans...and other random trash. I suppose that is what I get for staying home and NOT going to the Lions game lol. It is also what I get for being a pretty awesome girlfriend and hostess.

In my time of peace and quiet and some cleanliness. I found that I have fallen in love with the show Grimm. I thought it was going to be a total bust...but it is actually quite intersting and like True Blood it has become quite addictive. I now will have to watch the other fairy tale themed show that is going to be on ABC (I think...) THIS IS WHY WE CANNOT NOT HAVE CABLE IN will I watch my stories!!! lol

Today, again, I had very little time to think about the move...even though in less than two days we will be packing up the uhaul to move the majority of our (my) belongings. BUT I still think it will not be terrible until we move move for reals!

I kept myself busy today...even though I had imagined to use the day to relax and enjoy even MORE time to myself...

FIRST, after watching my new favorite show, I drove over to pretty much Mount Pleasant an went to this facial lotion foot party at my "Big Sister's" house. It was really fun, quite chill and I got to spend some time with a few of my faves which is always fun! We had a nice time being in a at home spa and talking! I will definitely miss the fact that I am within 2 hours of all of my friends that I love to spend time with! I keep telling myself that Missouri is not that far away and that we have or rather Bryan has many, many, many, many frequent flyer miles. Even though I know that I will not be back much, it is comforting to know that there is always the possibility to visit!

Second! I went and visited my FAVORITE HALL DIRECTOR EVER. Bill O'Dell of course. He is the person who is always there to chit chat with about Greek Life, real life and future dreams. Bill is the person you can count on for a quick visit that lets you leave feeling that you are just going back upstairs to your R.A. room and that you'll see him tomorrow. Bill has had quite the semester and I sincerely wish him the best for everything going on! Bill was always there for me in college and most likely still will be there for me always. It is so important to me that I have such a great, older friend that cares about my life and is interested in staying in touch for all of the years to come. I sincerely hope that Bill comes to visit us in MO because not only do I love seeing and spending time with him, he is AMAZING at doing home improvement and would give me fabulous ideas on how to improve our great little house!

I tried the new Chinese restaurant just down the street and I was dissapointed in what I was served. I will try it again because most likely Bryan will want to, so I am willing to go and try NOT was just like in balls of meet and the sauce was too thick and too not orange sauce enough. I am always willing to try something again if I feel there is potential!

Now, I am sitting here writing what I am assuming is a pointless blog and watching Animation Domination on myself. After this I am going to look for student life and resident life positions at the local colleges in Missouri...I had the thought of perhaps spending my money for extra schooling on continuing on with an Educational Leadership Degree...I love all of the careers in that bracket and would probably actually be pretty good at it!

I miss Bryan so I have to keep myself busy. He is at work all of the time, but it is so lonely when it is night and we should be camping out in the living room watching our stories, drinking some beer or his specialty drink and having some good cuddle time. BUT, it is a true fact that he needs to spend times with his friends without me and I need to get better at sharing...I think.

ALSO I think that I am losing hair on my hairline from the weird things I have on my that is pretty weird and gonna be pretty unattractive if it continues...I never understand why I have so many weird and painful ailments!

30 DAYS YAY!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

31 Days

Today I had no time to really think about moving..UNTIL I talked on the phone with my Mom..she always somehow manages to bring up the fact that I am moving and that life will never be the same as we know it (that is of course only 5% more dramatic than it really comes out of her mouth)

WE ACTUALLY GOT TO SLEEP IN TODAY! Essentially Bryan works ALL of the time, Saturday, Sunday, Mondays at 11PM when the buildings it was amazing to go to bed late, wake up late, lounge around and do nothing and then get ready just to go eat lunch an hour away. It was pretty fabulous.

We had a nice lunch some brews and some good talk about WHERE we will be on what days for the holidays...VERY COMPLICATED! Very.

Me being the person with the LEAST Holiday spirit 2 months before the holiday...I mean come on..Downtown Bay City has been decorated since BEFORE Halloween. I tried to GET INTO THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT by going Christmas ornament shopping for family. I usually make or buy them some sort of Holiday trinket that can be cherished for years and years to come and yadda yadda. I decided "oh, hey, Bronnors Christmas World is just on the way home!" so I stop...I swear to you that it was busier than Disney World on Mickey's Birthday. People were aimlessly walking around amongst the thousands and thousands of decorations...WHICH ARE LABELED and SORTED INTO it is beyond me how people CANNOT find what they are looking for...using the flippin' map that you get handed 4 of when you walk through your entrance and FOLLOW IT. I am quite certain that many people in the general public are just ignorant/stupid and refuse to use the organ that is placed in their head...

ANYHOW. I found the very specific and special ornaments for the people that I needed them for. I also bought a Santa key because our house in Missouri is NOT equipped with a chimney or fireplace so how will I get my presents? lol. As I was making my way from the abyss of the store to the cashier's station in the south end exit I was still just flabbergasted by the amount of people just wondering around, not paying attention to the fact they were hitting small children and full grown adults with their half of a mini cart. I am sure I looked like a scrooge with my horrified and disgusted looks...but just because it is ALMOST the holiday season DOES NOT mean that you have the right to wondering around being inconsiderate to your fellow man!

I made it out of the store and I immediately was thinking of the route to get to a bar...unfortunately to turn left out of Bronner's was worse than trying to navigate through the Christmas Crazed customers. I decided it was safer and most likely quicker to just head home.

Going to Meijer to get the forgotten groceries and gas was of course just another, fabulous experience...

I am tired of Christmas Music and I have been for two is not even Thanksgiving yet!!!!

Bryan's friends came over from MO and we ate dinner at Zehender's in Frankenmuth, went out in Old Downtown Bay City and then went to Midland was quite the experience of people watching.

Now, as I am finishing this they are sitting around discussing the game tomorrow and Bryan is, of course,

Hopefully tomorrow is as stress free as today!

Friday, November 18, 2011

32 Days... of today and the current plan (things can always change with Bryan's work...) is to be moved or rather, on the road in 32 days.

Am I nervous? Heck yes. Am I worried about being more alone there than I have been this year? Yes, I mean who would not be worried about being hundreds of miles away from friends and family. Am I afraid of living Bryan's life and not mine? TOTALLY.

It is hard to be the person moving to a place and a home that the other person has an established group of friends, their family and their way of life. I will of course be included...but it is scary.

It is hard to move where there will be very little room/time to make new friends that are my age and share in the interests that the circle of friends I will inherit will be interested in. It is very difficult to be a 24 something year old in a world of people who are married and have families...who do not like loud, bumpin' clubs, who worry about if their child is behaving the sitter or allowing Grandma to have a relaxing night, who have bed times to follow and must eat dinner by 6 or the world will crumble...(that's dramatic...but seriously...kid schedules are INSANE and rule everyone's world around them!)

It is difficult to be the only person floundering around trying to find what they want to do with their lives...teaching in MI was a bust and it will require more schooling in MO...everyone else in "our" group has a steady job and will not be changing anytime soon. I'm 24 I am supposed to have time "figure out life" and to do the best for me...But I feel this makes me look not only like a gold digger and lazy S.O.B. but like a failure...WHICH IS UNACCEPTABLE!

WHAT ARE THE POSITIVES? Well, despite the above long list of worries, complaints and whines, there are many great opportunities that will just take some time to get used to.

Although I am individual who hates change, almost to a debilitating level (I came home and cried because our landlord moved the furniture, moved our kitchen stuff, touched our bed spread and sprayed nasty old lady smelling chemicals...) I work very hard at embracing, accepting and working with change. I know sometimes change cannot be controlled...but this HUGE change in lifestyle and well, location is MY choice and no one else's...but somehow I am still finding the positives is what is keeping me sane and ready to move...

1. In such a crazy short time I have fallen head over heals for this guy (he has also fallen head over heels) who happens to be from the Show Me State. He has a fabulous job that can keep us in the STL or can move us all over the country year after year and he has no say in what happens (I hope the next project is the one in Hawaii...that'd be a great move!). Point being...if I still had a teaching job we could not stay in Michigan...because who's job should we follow..the unstable teacher or the stable Clayco job...I can teach most anywhere or make do with any stupid, piddly part-time job. I will move anywhere he does...because I know if roles were reversed he would do the same. We share so many interests and LOVE spending every minute we can together. I'd say it's worth moving anywhere and everywhere to be with the one person who completes you and accepts you.

2. It's an adventure to live somewhere else. Even though I have been there many, many, many times in the past 9 months it will still be new and different for me. There is only so much you can do when you're there for three days and the limited time is spent visiting everyone like: traveling to the farm, working on the farm, hangin' with friends, and maybe having time to paint and clean and prepare the house for a new life. although I have been there there's so much to still experience. So, I am excited to go there and have time to experience everything that there is! (and perhaps I will have a small dog to explore with!!! YAYYYY!) LOL

3. It will be fun to try to find a job or to figure out what I can do with a unusable teaching degree. Afterall, I've been applying for jobs for three hopefully something will work out and come to be a reality! So although I DETEST the job hunt and just did it in MI...I kind of look forward to finding something in MO. I feel there are so many options and that I will FIND the one thing that is better than teaching...or equal to it!

4. I am excited to work on the house. The house is awesome. It is better than anything I could have imagined. It is cute and retro and ready to be loved (Bryan has failed to love it... he has only shown it like...LOL). It will be fabulous to create something that is ours and that is what we would like to live in. We want to have a place to live, love and grow and to entertain our friends and family. The backyard already has a dog fence that is perfect for the mini pet I will be allowed to get...SO that is all taken care of! ;) I love the feeling of accomplishment we get with our first time paint jobs and re-decorating of a room--we may not be awesome at it but we are learning and as we create and the end product will be amazing!

5. I look forward to the time that we get to spend with Bryan's good friends, Bryan's Family and the time we get to spend having my family and friends come over and see my new life outside of the watery mitten. I am excited to see what things we do with our friends and families and the other people that we pick up on the way!

There are so many worries that I have been struggling with the last two hopes are that in the next 32 days (preferably earlier) that they go away or are more at peace...I am sure this is an impossible feat! It will be a bittersweet moment when we pack up what will remain at the condo, hop into our cars and start heading West to Missouri. There will be tears and probably a HUGE ball of worry and sadness but what will lie ahead on I-70 is a great adventure!
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