Wednesday, December 7, 2011

13 Days...

I never thought that I would work at place that values stupidity more than the Deli I work at downstairs from the condo. They act like dicing meats and cheeses and neatly placing these cubes on a tray covered in decorative lettuce takes a degree in some form of culinary rocket science. I can guarantee you that it doesn't; common sense tells us this and my vast experience proves it (I have a simple Bachelor's degree in Education from Central Michigan University..NOT Rocket Science!) This was essentially the start to my day...because I of course, now, have very little to do within the walls of the condo. Another form of stupidity I work with is 19 and 20 year old's that make this job their careers and have no other lofty goals to obtain...working at this deli is it...I mean seriously if these were my goals in life I would want to go to the roof of the building and jump onto the fancy SUV's below. I could go on and on and on about how much stupidity surrounds this place of employment...but 1. it would take way too long (too much energy...) 2. Who really has not worked at a place that requires stupidity to be successful (yes, I believe at the deli the more stupid you are the more successful you will be in the eyes of our "boss")

I tracked down the rest of the needed addresses (all two of them) and filled out the envelopes and personalized each one to make it more festive...otherwise you're just stuffing an envelope with a card wal-mart printed out (and I spent 2.5 hours creating and deciding on) and making it very impersonal. While I realize many of my friends and family do this...I strive to be different and to make people feel is probably whatever part of teacher is left in find something about each person (or family in this case) and share it with them...I dont' know...Let's just say I will not and SHOULD not be writing for Hallmark anytime soon! I just hope that people enjoy the cards and feel special with the special personalization (LOL)

We LOVE and most likely should own stock in any seasoning that has the ingredient Garlic in it...we eat it on everything...EVERYTHING! Today I feel as though I used extremely too much as it is like almost, about 3 hours later and I am still drinking water like a camel that has been on an expedition for 3 weeks. We are currently trying to eat more veggies, more fruit, more whole grains and less carbohydrates. This makes creating meals easy but also difficult as EVERYTHING has carbs. Today we had chicken, yellow squash, zucchini, grape tomatoes and sliced carrots with lots, lots (too much) garlic (2 kinds) seasoning and finally mixed with a Philadelphia Creme Dinner mix...which also involved lots of garlic. Bryan said it was perfect, just right and that he wasn't lying (his words). I however have drank enough water for three people in the last 3 hours.

As a part of our quest to lead a healthier lifestyle we have started walking (more healthy than we already live...we already eat the same...I just add more veggies and use less regular pasta and now use whole grain, veggie filled NOW if you know ANYTHING about Michigan you know that it will be sunny out, say that it is 35 out but then--you look at the "Feels Like:" area of the forecast and it says "Feels Like: 22" and surely no one in their right mind wants to go and walk..maybe ski, maybe sled, maybe snowmobile...but NOT GO RECREATIONAL WALKING! One can imagine that at night it is only colder (and they'd be right, it is!)...and it is much colder..the "Feels Like becomes closer to feels like 12 (that may be dramatic for today...but that is most likely what it is on any other given winter evening in MI).

With this obstacle of freezing weather and Bryan's lack of cold weather love that I have a sick passion for, we have started "Mall Walking". NO, we do not go in our matching yogging suits, NO, we do not swing our arms vigorously with each step, NO we do not get into like some of our senior counterparts that we watch while we walk--we do wear tennis shoes and we do have a routine...but we most certainly do not appear to be mall walkers until about our third lap around. I am just glad that we are out getting exercise after dinner. I go for walks during the day...but usually after dinner and doing the dishes I need to do something because otherwise I want to go to sleep!!! TRY MALL WALKING! :)

I am still excited to move. The more days I have to work downstairs the more excited I get to move and the more I want to move like within 24 hours of working because 1. that means I do not have to work there anymore and 2. I will hopefully get one of the new "REAL" jobs that I have been applying and phone interviewing for!

I now need to figure out if I am road tripping the Mazda down early so that we can drive only one vehicle after Christmas...but I am horrible at finding flights and Bryan has been too busy to do it for me (he is my Ask Jeeves of hopefully we get that locked up! :)

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